The Cure for BDD is inside each of us.
It is hidden below layers upon layers of fear and rejection and the comfort that comes with avoidance.
I spent three years avoiding everything that scared me, and I lost a wonderful three years and millions of perfectly decent heartbeats.
Our heart only beats once, so why waste it?
I had to stop my heart in order to restart it. Literally, stepping away from my life and shocking myself into a new rhythm.
I brought my family along with me, who held my hand, and walked beside me… For that I am forever grateful and unbelievably blessed.
But we all have something to hold onto, no matter how hopeless it seems.
Three years of hiding, and now as I emerge from the shadows of very dark places, I welcome the sun and radiant heat of life upon my skin.
The cure is inside me, when I open my eyes and look beyond the superficial condemnation I place upon myself and into the minds of those who love me, not for how I look but for who I am.
And this journey with BDD makes me stronger, more capable of love beyond my wildest dreams, more capable to hurt, more capable to accept joy and more understanding of the precious nature of time.
I can feel my cure, burning hot inside my heart, just waiting to release me, and pour this love into the world and back into those who have suffered this journey with me.
I love you all so much!
I think I may have suffered from BDD all my life without having a label to slap on it. I’ve always felt like an ugly fraud that people only tolerated as a means to an end. Recently my beloved Mother-in-law sent me her copy of my High School Graduation picture and now I can see it. I was such a lovely young girl! I wasted most of my life feeling less than what I was. Achieving less than I could have due to my massive inferiority complex. All I can say is don’t waste another moment. Not even one second. You are a kind, intelligent, handsome man. Thank you for your blog. You have helped me more than you know.
Thank you for your kind comment, you have helped me more than you know!
– Stephen