I went out without makeup on my nose today, inspired by a story I saw on the news about a childhood burn victim.
Her face was horribly disfigured in a car accident when she was 7. Her face had melted off, separated from its bony scaffolding.
The doctors debated whether or not to let her live, trying to decide if she could ever have a descent quality of life.
She hid indoors for years once her childhood innocence had passed, afraid of what people would say.
Then she lifted the curtain.
When she began to see her beauty, what the trauma had taught her, how she had grown as a person… she let go.
She even found love and is now married.
Because love cannot be disfigured, it is pure and unconditional.
Watching her story I realized I didn’t have it that bad.
A modeling agency is doing a photo shoot of her, showing that even when we are disfigured we are beautiful because we are human beings.
So even if I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong, I can accept who I am.
And even if this means I will spend my life disfigured in the mirror, I don’t have to live this way inside or on the outside.
Love is unconditional, beauty comes from the love we have of ourselves, of our life.
It’s time to stop this madness and live life again.
photo credit: AlicePopkorn